Nope, sorry. :-/ What you -could- do is find out yourself though (e.g. if you want to know how many civilians have been spawned), by having them each run an init script using ALICE_civilianinit. The BIKI says the code for that is:
[BIS_alice_mainscope,"ALICE_civilianinit",[{_this addweapon "Mk_48"}]] call bis_fnc_variablespaceadd;
Which will need the functions module loaded I believe - but afaik you should be able to use it like any other setup, e.g.
BIS_alice_mainscope setvariable ["ALICE_civilianinit",{Civs = Civs + 1}];
I don't much use BIS' ALICE etc. modules - they're nice, but they can quickly mess a mission up, not to mention LAG a mission up. Remember that they were designed for Arma 2's Manhattan-style whole-map missions, where the objective was to populate the whole island dynamically based on player location, and not really for smaller 'classical' scenarios
IMHO, of course.
Wolfrug out.