LHD (Aircraft Carrier) spawning script2.
How to place Stuff on the LHD?3. There is no sling load in vanilla ArmA2. ACE 2 includes it...
4. ... but it must be done by players on the ground.
High Command Module can help with that.
6. Sure. Either spawn them in or have something like a radio switch trigger connected to a hold waypoint of that squad.
7. That's ASR AI at work and it happens automatically as far I know. Read more
Spawning units in buildings9. No idea. I've never had luck with using existing units on the ground to do something specific in the air. Always just spawn stuff in when I need it.
10. It's possible, but not easy. Stick to things like Simple Support Module for now till you learn a lot more.
11. What support element? What after battle? Sounds like you're playing some kind of custom game mode? That's not default behaviour of ArmA2.
12. addWeaponCargo and addMagazineCargo For backpacks addBackpackCargo
13. There are countless ways of doing this, there's no standard.
14. Again, countless ways of doing this, none easy.
15. Basic AI controls really.
16. Here's that
tutorial. Here's how to get
AI to use IEDs.
17. Never dealed with saving games, so not sure. There's been some recent threads about it though.
18. Good idea, but a lot of scripts behind it all. Maybe start small and learn the basics.