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Author Topic: Is possible to make soldier with armor in hand for OFP ???  (Read 1896 times)

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Offline robertoHrvat

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Hi all. Is possible to I make special unit with armour in their hands ? (Look at picture)


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Re: Is possible to make soldier with armor in hand for OFP ???
« Reply #1 on: 12 Jul 2011, 16:54:52 »
I don't see why not; the troublesome part, in my view, would be making the animation to go with it. Of course there would have to some compromises, but having created the model you could either configure it as:

A Proxy
 Have it take up the launcher weapon slot and when a unit has one it would hang in front of him (like the RPG hangs on the back).
    would need to make sure that it's bullet-proof
    would need scripting to make sure the unit doesn't do odd things, like lie down with it.
    unless you define a new unit to carry it, with a whole new set of animations, it's not going to look as good as it might.

A Vehicle
 The unit that carries the shield is now the driver in a vehicle, and the gun becomes a turret with limited traverse. This would need fewer animations, basically stand with shield and walk forward with shield. Each version in the config could only have one weapon to be used with it (when getting in the shield it would have a script to take magazines from the unit and load them into the vehicle).
    less manoeverable
    might blow up when killed
    unit doesn't have a choice of weapons to use with the shield.

Offline robertoHrvat

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Re: Is possible to make soldier with armor in hand for OFP ???
« Reply #2 on: 12 Jul 2011, 22:49:59 »
Yes, correct! Have many problems ... But I will see how it will work out!

EDIT: Hey, was you see Veni Vidi Vici Mod, they can creating shields in arm! I will see how they making that!

Thank you!
« Last Edit: 12 Jul 2011, 22:59:42 by robertoHrvat »


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Re: Is possible to make soldier with armor in hand for OFP ???
« Reply #3 on: 15 Jul 2011, 01:06:28 »
Of course there's a third option, which is to make it an object and have a loop to keep it in front of the player.

You can try this with Mikero's Editor Update: in addition to the player, place one instance of Empty --> EU - Military Objects --> Shrapnel 1. Name it shield and run the following script on it:

Code: (shieldme.sqs) [Select]
shield setPos [(getPos player select 0) + .75 * sin (getDir player), (getPos player select 1) + .75 * cos (getDir player), 0.75]
shield setDir (getDir player)
goto "loop"

Doesn't look too bad when a unit is standing. It would need some work to speed up the script (probably by changing it to a sqf function) and also a way to change height when the unit crouches.

Offline robertoHrvat

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Re: Is possible to make soldier with armor in hand for OFP ???
« Reply #4 on: 16 Jul 2011, 21:57:43 »
Thank you! But I will try with proxy :)