OFPEC The Editing Center > Getting help with BI games

Cold War Assault Using Modfolders ?

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  Ok thanks for the help here.  I'm not understanding two things:

  Registry for CWA, I don't know what that is.

  Old executables, not sure on that one either.

  Sorry about this.  The folders are layed out like the shortcut says, and the no splash works so I just need to learn what these other parameters are.

  Thanks for the help

By executable, I mean the game icon that launches the program. Right click on the icon, select properties and click inside the "Target" field to view the entire executed path. Just make sure you have your mods installed inside the folder where this Target field is pointing to. It works fine for me too.


   Update: I restarted my computer, changed nothing and now it loads the modfolder.  If I place more addons they wont appear in the game until I restart my PC.  Weird eh?

  Thanks for the help everyone.


Um , That IS pretty weird. Usually it only takes a restart of the game.


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