OFPEC The Editing Center > Getting help with BI games

Cold War Assault Using Modfolders ?

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  So I updated to the 1.99 version of OFP, now called ARMA Cold War Assault but none of my modfolders work.

  Addons work only if placed into the vanilla AddOns folder.

  I use the shortcut properties version and  " -mod=@adds -nosplash " will result only in the no splash screen happening.  No addons are available. 

  Anyone have any ideas?

Works here. Make sure your mod folders are in the CWA folder and not the OFP folder if you have OFP installed. My target line for running the FDF mod:

--- Code: ---"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma Cold War Assault\ColdWarAssault.exe" -noMap -noSplash -mod=@RedHammer;@Camel;finmod
--- End code ---


  Hmm I don't know what to do different.

  I'm running Vista and its always worked the same.

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma Cold War Assault\ColdWarAssault.exe" -nosplash -mod=@ADDS

  The only way I can get addons to work is if I place them into the regular addons folder, which of course is a pain considering all the modfolders available.

Make sure your registry for CWA points towards the folder it is installed in.

Make sure you're not using old executables.


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