1. Don't call the cutscene file
camera.sqs as that's reserved for something else: rename it. And you're not running it on that particular unit, so 'this' is unnecessary. The following would be sufficient:
[] exec "cutscene.sqs"
2. By having a script file and using a delay in it. If it's part of the cutscene, then
cutscene.sqs would do:
dude playmove "..."
dude playmove "..."
but you have to remember that it might affect the timing of your camera movements.
3. By setting a variable true in the On Activation of the first trigger, and checking for it in the condition of the second.
First - On Activation:
whatever; phaseOne = true
Second - Condition:
whateverelse AND phaseOne
4. A script would be easier, but if we're using the triggers from number 3 then you merely give Trigger 2 a TimeOut delay of a few seconds; so:
First - On Activation: easty setCombatMode "BLUE"; easty doTarget resy; phaseOne = true
Second - Condition: phaseOne
TimeOut: Min 3 Max 5 Mid 4
On Act: easty setCombatMode "RED"; easty doFire resy
5. Soldier1
setIdentity MyCharacter
6. Press F5 'Synchronize'. Then you can draw lines that connect triggers to waypoints. Units will not move from waypoints until the trigger is activated.