The other option is to make the aircraft model (complete with non-functional weapon muzzles), and simulate the firing of the guns with scripting.
As a basic (but impressive from the ground
) example, I made a firepower script a while back for the AC-130U, which is available at
my website.
So all you would need to do is build a flying AC-130U model, and build on a script like mine which already provides:
- constant target detection and selection over a period of time (within a trigger-defined area)
- discrimination of target type for weapon used
- cyclic engagement of targets until all in the area are destroyed
Then all you need do is add into the script a function for producing the firing noises from the aircraft's position as it moves and it would be perfect ... well, maybe if the script wasn't based on using a pre-defined trigger for its target detection area. :beat:
And at the distance the AC-130U normally fires from (and would do so in the game), the muzzle flashes would not be drawn in OFP anyway, so weapons modelled onto the aircraft would not have to be functional in respect of actually firing the shells either.
Also, the accuracy of the shelling from an aircraft model that has fixed weapons built on or scripted into position is going to be nasty (to put it bluntly) unless the weapons are AI controlled like the helicopter gunships where they have the ability to accurately lead a target.
So in my humble opinion, in the case of this particular type of addon and given the limitations in place for OFP vehicles and multiple mounted weapons, I think simulation with scripting would do a better job than the real thing.