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GPU Compatibility Inquiry

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You would be absolutely leveled by the amount of folks who invest into high end machines in the excess of 3k. When you get into latest technology and high performance gear is when you begin to sink your paycheck into the chipboard. To run that powerful gpu, you need plenty of space with lots of fans to cool it. With that you need a larger psu to power it. And since you're investing that much, you might as well max out your RAM slots, upgrade to water cooled and get the fastest HD on the market. And if you've done all that and skimped on the CPU and MOBO, then pity you, fool.

A great cpu alone , will cost you close to 1k.
If you don't cool it properly, it'll cost you that again within a year.
And if you allow it to overheat, it could ruin that lovely MOBO that its attached to.

Oh and let's not mention those fellahs who must have the most awesome headgear, keyboards and controllers on the market. These guys are the technological equivalent of gear heads. It's nothing for a car fanatic to sink a 100k into a coveted car. The same applies to hardcore gamers. More power to them I say.

Since you put it that way. Then it'd be well worth it to buy that kind of technology to run those hard core games. Of course even if you do all the things you said to a pc, MOBO, CPU etc, space, fans, you're still probably going to experience some LAG?? Wouldn't that be something, spend 3K on a PC and still get LAG.

I've noticed users testing their PC's by placing numerous units on the map with Arma2 and they still get LAG. My main thing with building a high end performance PC would be to play great multiplayer ArmA2 games with ACE and all that stuff. Have fun with other players and experience those huge missions without experiencing much LAG.

So lets see, CPU $1k, GPU $1K, your spending alone $1K on each component in your pc. Then not to mention, it goes out of date in like what, a week? So uhm, where is the good part for us gamers in high end performance PC's?


--- Quote ---Of course even if you do all the things you said to a pc, MOBO, CPU etc, space, fans, you're still probably going to experience some LAG??
--- End quote ---
Not if you've purchased the latest and greatest for an existing game. But since technology advances so quickly, new software may not perform as well on older (one week older than itself) hardware. For hard core gamers or programmers, its just a way of life and you learn to accept it. In fact, you learn to welcome the new technology because it removes some of the old bottlenecks.

--- Quote ---So uhm, where is the good part for us gamers in high end performance PC's?
--- End quote ---
Most folks don't compete on that level. Get a machine that plays the game you like well. Maintain that hardware and it will serve you well for years.

Don't forget that lag is also different in the multiplayer realm. Other factors are introduced into the circle when you hook up to a foreign server. Factors that are not induced by your machine but by the server quality and it's proximity to you.

Right now my PC (Laptop) specs are.

-Windows 7 OS
-Radeon HD 4200 Series
-AMD Athlon II P340 Dual-Core Processor
-500GB HD
-4GB Memory

So as you can see it's not that great for gaming. So I need an upgraded desktop with good gpu, better then the 4200 series Radeon I have.


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