OFPEC The Editing Center > Getting help with BI games

GPU Compatibility Inquiry

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Hi, is this graphics card compatible with this one for playing ArmA2 OA and higher games?

Current Recommendation:
Nvidia Geforce GTX 260

My Spec:
1GB DDR3 NVIDIA GeForce 405

thanks you, any additional info would be helpful, I'm building a pc to fit modern or higher games.

That nVidia 405 is weird, didn't really find much info on it at all but it appears to be the crappiest on their line-up so wouldn't touch it if I was you..

--- Quote ---I'm building a pc to fit modern or higher games.
--- End quote ---
Well then you should go for either nVidia 500-series (usually the higher the number the better, both in model number and price) or AMD (ATI) 6900 series (again, usually the higher the number the better, both in model number and price).

However gaming PC is not just about the GPU, it's also about the motherboard, CPU and a bit about the memory too. And I guess you might also want to consider SSD hard drive (at least for the OS and the games to be installed on).

I'm not really en par with the current tech, it has been several years since I upgraded my PC and haven't really been following much of the stuff that has been going on because I don't need the info.

yea I agree, building it is more then the graphics. I know that if your powersuppy can't support the graphics card, then you'll have to upgrade that too. It's the whole computer almost. I pre-built an HP computer and it cost me around $700 with a high end GPU. I hope to get one soon, so I can go on some servers and play.  :clap:  :good:

Kinda doubt it's that high end, I mean a real high-end graphics card alone costs almost that 700$..  :scratch:

Well, it's high end to me anyways. I'm not spending $700-$1,000 on a card.  :no:.....If you wanted to get a computer w/good gpu. You'd probably have to spend at least $3k-$4K to experience no lag while playing huge games on Arma2. And who really spends that much on a pc?


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