OFPEC The Editing Center > Getting help with BI games


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Well, I'm not sure, but it could be that when you install the OFP, some files are missing.
When I installed OFP,  this game didn't wanted to work, but the last version had a file called "SetupReg" when I hit it, this game started to work.

If it's a patch to update the game, from 1.75 to 1.85 or 1.96, whichever. All you have to do is download the patch from the internet. There should be an operation flashpoint icon to download it and it updates automatically.

If it's a patch problem, open your game, look to see where it's at now 1.75 or 1.85, 1.90, it goes from 1.75 to 1.96 from what I recall. If you are at 1.75 you have to download it in sequence from 1.75 and up. There is also a final version patch for 1.96 that goes there directly from 1.75 if you want to go that route. The game should not be missing any categories in the interface of the game. Unless it was designed that way which would be odd.

First off, thanks for the help  :good:  :clap: second, problem solved after going onto the desert island and playing mission? Dont know what happened but now up and running and can now start mission editing, again thanks guys for the input.

If you are unsure if you have a legitimate copy of the game, you can be sure that you may encounter even more problems down the road. The game can be bought for less than 10 U.S. dollars now on Amazon.com plus shipping. You can obtain any of the Patches here.

It's just not worth using a pirated copy(IF, that's what you suspect you have), especially if you intend to connect to online play.

I purchased one from a California based company and one from a Ohio based company, the one from Ohio seems to be working properly after three reinstalls and the patch added. Have run several trial missions and a couple of glitches have shown up, but nothing out of the ordinary, still havent figured out exactly what or "if" I did anything to solve it :dry: But I can now edit and play. Looking forward to uploading future missions for you guys to pick apart :) Now can you direct this poor misguided to the solved button which I cannot locate  :confused:


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