OFPEC The Editing Center > Getting help with BI games


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Ok, I purchased GOTY edition to my surprise I cannot do scripting on the editor, so unlike my old Ofp and resistance editions. Any help or 86 the game and get the original copies all over again????? I remember the old version I  had the boxes where you could add rank unit or group name. Not on this one, and I have purchased 2 of the editions online.

I've got the GOTY Edition, too.

I downloaded the patch to version 1.96 (can't find it now) and set the editor to 'advanced' (in the game). I saw no differences to the original game (as far as I remember).

Ok Lenyoga thanks, just checked and dont have the patch, will try it out and see.Tried and tested and feeling dumb, thanks again, that solved it. :no: wrong its not solved, seems as if the patch has made irregularties in the game instead of "fixing them", still no unit or rank boxes. The game cd is different than original game, could possible have corrupt files?

Try uninstalling the game and reinstalling it. I have the GOTY edition and it works great for me with the 1.96 patch provided with it. Could it be that you got a corrupted download?

Reinstalled twice, wondering now about the disc, it might be bootlegged. By the way, is their another folder besides codemasters? The patch came with the disk and stated that it was downloaded properly, I remember back in the day you had to download the patch, go to res.addon folder and put it in it, things have changed alot.


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