Hi everyone.
Does anyone know if it's possible to let the High Command module's "commander function" transfer to another unit after death/teamSwitch/respawn? When the original leader/commander dies, the commanding function doesn't transfer to the new leader of the same group. It only works for the originally synced commander. The effect is that if you want to use the High Command Module, you can't use respawn or teamSwitch because that will basically break the mission. The reason I post in this board is that I can't even make it work in SP, which would be a good start.
The command synchronizeObjectsAdd doesn't work for the High Command Module in a trigger. It doesn't even work if I put it in the init line of the module itself. This is what I have tried:
myHCC is the High Command Module
myHCS is the High Command Subordinate Module
newCommander is the guy I will teamSwitch to
controlledGuy is the leader of the subordinate group
Original High Command Commander Player works of course, synchronized in the editor from mission start. Then two events follow:
-I teamSwitch to the unit called: newCommander
-I activate my Radio Alpha Trigger, on activation: myHCC synchronizeObjectsAdd [newCommander];
The High Command does not show up when I press: Ctrl+Spacebar as it does for the original commanding unit. when I switch back to the original commander the module works fine again.
I have even tried:
myHCC synchronizeObjectsAdd [newCommander];
myHCS synchronizeObjectsAdd [controlledGuy];
Nothing works, even in the editor. Not in a trigger, not in the init line of the module which is read right at mission start. So, no point trying in MP. Does anyone know if there is a workaround? I would really like to solve this.