A spreadsheet is not needed for sound implementation. You only need a Description.ext, and a sound file.
There are plenty of
tutorials on these subjects and even one
Beginner's Tutorial that is currently being updated. But for the sake of convenience, I'll help you out quickly.
I assume you have a Description.ext file in your mission folder? If so, you have a Class section dedicated to sound? such as
class CfgSounds
// List of sounds (.ogg files without the .ogg extension---Used in the editor under the trigger effects button)
sounds[] = {airaid1};
// Class definition needed for each sound
class airraid1
name = "airraid1"; //This name assigned to your sound
sound[] = {\sound\airraid1.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};//The actual sound file in it's directory with volume and pitch
titles[] = {};//Place text between the {} braces that you want to printed when the sound is played
Each line has explanation but remember that if you are not getting an error that your sound is not found, it may be that the sounds db level is too low. You can try to boost that level in the description but I think it only works up to +30 db. After that, if the sound is still too low, you'll have to open it in an audio editor and increase it's volume. If you are getting an error not found, make sure that the format referred to in the sound class (.ogg,.wav.wss) is the same as what your sound actually is. And then make sure that the sound class is pointing to the folder that the sound is being kept in. In most cases, folks create a sound folder within their missions folder and then direct to that.
"exec "voice1.ogg"
But that may be your problem entirely.
The command
exec is used in conjunction with scripts, not sounds. The commands
say and
playsound are the ones you'll need to hear your sounds in game.
In regards to the briefing, again, plenty of tutorials covering this but the simple command used to insert line breaks and spaces is simply the
Dear reader,<br>
<pre> Write what you would like to in this space<br>
but don't forget to tip the aid.<br>
the aid</pre>
To control an entire area of space to preserve indents, line up images and other features you could use the command
<pre>Insert text here</pre>
I've attached a sample of my working Briefing in a SP mission I designed for OFP. It contains links to pages, links to images, links to markers, intel pages, sat views and other features but I did not implement sound into the briefing because I did not like how it only plays the first time a page is loaded. The great thing is that it works! Tried and tested. The only thing that will not work are images since they are not within the same folder as the briefing.html. To add your own images, make sure your dimensions are the power of two. For example, my image sizes were 512X256, 512X128,1024X512. I then re-sized them to how I needed them inside the briefing file, maintaining the power of two like 192X64 and 256X128.
In closing, a spreadsheet is a simple notepad document saved as a Stringtable comma separated value file (.csv). It must be created with and edited by notepad in order to be edited properly. So, when you open it, do so with notepad and simply press save when done. It's purpose is to keep all text in one place for easy editing and access. It pertains to everything from marker names to spoken strings. This makes it easy to add various languages if you so choose.
I have also attached a copy of my stringtable for you to use. It's pretty simple. The STR_ is mandatory. The commas are mandatory. The quotes are only mandatory where commas are used within the printed text. I use quotes regardless just to simplify things. The numbers between the STR_ and the comma are whatever you choose to name the line for reference later.
Grab the files quickly if you want them because I will remove them soon since they contain spoilers of my unfinished mission.Hope this all helps pal.