there's a somewhat faster way:
select your road type. copy the name, place the road, next doubleclick, oneclick ctrl+V in the namefild and place. That spares a lot of time, especialy when you have loads of objects in your list.
Next thing, zoom in your map until your cursor is just as big a a mappixel, then place the road two pix over the last bit and they fit or overlap a minimum: with asphalt or sil you don't see the difference, with path it's a little trickyer because they're at 50% opacity.
Be careful, if you zoom in too close objects dissapear to the map border.
To see where you're going use the cam so you don't have to zoom out.
And yes, it takes a lot of time: I spent at least 50 hours (in realtime) only placing roads on my island!
good luck and remember: patience is a vertue