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Author Topic: Addon to have all standard bis units on any side.  (Read 2226 times)

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Offline mrmoon

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Addon to have all standard bis units on any side.
« on: 03 Dec 2010, 13:12:43 »
Hello sorry to bother you all over such an old game.
It may sound a little odd but I require the defualt bis western only units on east side and vice versa with eastern units.
Does such an addon exist anywhere? If not is it simple to create myself?
I dont have much knowlege of the inner workings of addon creation and unfortunatly I don't have the time to go wading through the many in depth tutorials looking for this specific thing.
I would be deeply thankfull for any help in this matter.

Offline Wolfrug

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Re: Addon to have all standard bis units on any side.
« Reply #1 on: 03 Dec 2010, 18:22:04 »
It would be fairly easy to create yourself, since it would be a config addon only (i.e. it would basically just be a folder with a file named config.cpp in it, wrapped up in .pbo form), but honestly it would be a rather superfluous creation. You can change the "side" of a unit/group placed in a mission simply by making sure the leader is of your desired side, even though said leader does not even show up in the mission. For instance, place down an East mechanized infantry group, and group it to a Colonel-ranked western unit with a probability of presence of 0%. Now the group will be on the West side, and fight against other eastern units. Simple as that. :) Another option is to open up the mission.sqm and change individual units' sides from there., but then you can't 'open' them any longer, only move them around on the map.

If you still want to make the addon, you'll be looking at a lot of tedious copy-pasting, but that's about all you need to do. But, as I said, it's more or less unnecessary.

Wolfrug out.
"When 900 years YOU reach, look as good you will not!"

Offline mrmoon

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Re: Addon to have all standard bis units on any side.
« Reply #2 on: 03 Dec 2010, 20:28:03 »
Thanks this is the part where you will probably look at me funny and slowly back away  :confused:

To save myself a lenghty explanation basicly I need to change lots of units already in a mission I have extracted and bunged into mission editor but without actually deleting the units as many of them have lots of scripts/code whatever etc already attached to them.

Many of them are in mixed east and west squads created in the way you described and this is one of the things I wanted to change but without breaking the mission.
Ie a squad of east and west russian and american infantry becomes a squad of east and west russian infantry.

Ill have a go with the config file.

Many thanks.


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Re: Addon to have all standard bis units on any side.
« Reply #3 on: 03 Dec 2010, 22:13:46 »
It's still a little early to be sending for the men in white coats; at least until you start writing in green ink.

I don't quite comprehend the problem - my understanding from what you have written is that squads contain both US and Russian troops, but you'd like each squad to be one side only. If that is the case you may be better off editing mission.sqm in the following manner:

If you look at what's contained in the BIS Config, you'll see that there is a consistent naming convention. West troops start with:
whereas East troops are
Generally, there is a direct 1-to-1 equivalence.

Find your way to the mission folder: <OFP>\Users\<Your user name>\mission\<Mission name>\ and first make a copy of mission.sqm

Then you can open it with a text editor and slowly go through it doing find-and-replace:
   SoldierW   --->   SoldierE
   OfficerW   --->   OfficerE

Offline RKurtzDmitriyev

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Re: Addon to have all standard bis units on any side.
« Reply #4 on: 04 Dec 2010, 15:32:08 »
A program such as Geany makes the text easier to read and should make life a little easier when finding-and-replacing (CTRL+H).
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Offline DeanosBeano

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Re: Addon to have all standard bis units on any side.
« Reply #5 on: 04 Dec 2010, 16:37:22 »

 Just an added warning ,
 if your mission has triggers that are activated by side  , ensure  you change them too or your new  units wont trigger them because there on a different side.

I love ofp

Offline mrmoon

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Re: Addon to have all standard bis units on any side.
« Reply #6 on: 06 Dec 2010, 17:38:47 »
Thanks for all your help guys.

Offline Gubas little helper

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Re: Addon to have all standard bis units on any side.
« Reply #7 on: 29 Dec 2010, 11:59:59 »
Or just unpbo the abandoned armies mission, it has 2 separate composite sides of West and East units as well as every other scripting command known to man?! Who need a command reference when you can go learn from the pros!