OFPEC The Editing Center > Getting help with BI games

Accessing hidden OFP files with HDD as slave(SOLVED)

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Are you hijacking my thread?  :dunno:

No just kidding. You have to make a mental note of where you are downloading the file to. (In Vista)Try Start>>Your user name>>Downloads. All files are downloaded to there unless you change the directory.

well, hijacking is a little extreme  :dunno:, maybe borrowing..Ok I'll check it out...

I was able to retrieve the files I needed by allowing the search feature to sift through the entire index of the drive for specific files. The disadvantage to that is that you must know the file name. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember the names of all of the WIP mission folders that I had created. Fortunately, all I had to do was type in the island extension names and it brought up every file with that extension or phrase in it. So, this topic is solved. Thanks for your replies lads.


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