Hi guys!
I have some serious problems getting in the new weapons of OA into vopsounds2.2 mod wich I've added my own sounds into. I will later make my own mod.
I wanted to try adding new sounds for the weapons that comes with OA.
I started with the SCAR and took the config from the "acex_sm_c_sound_wep_rifle.pbo" with no luck.
Would rlly appreciate if you could tell me what's wrong here. I Only copied the part with the SCAR config, as the other config works.
Heres my config;
class SCAR_Base: M16_base {
reloadMagazineSound = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCAR_reload.wss", 0.031623, 1, 20};
class Single; //External class reference
class FullAuto; //External class reference
class M203Muzzle; //External class refereance
class SCAR_L_Single: Single {
begin1 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCARH_b.wss", 1.778280, 1, 900};
begin2 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCARH_b.wss", 1.778280, 1, 900};
begin3 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCARH_b.wss", 1.778280, 1, 900};
soundBegin = {"begin1", 0.330000, "begin2", 0.330000, "begin3", 0.330000};
class SCAR_L_FullAuto: FullAuto {
begin1 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCARL_b.wss", 1.778280, 1, 900};
begin2 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCARL_b.wss", 1.778280, 1, 900};
begin3 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCARL_b.wss", 1.778280, 1, 900};
soundBegin = {"begin1", 0.330000, "begin2", 0.330000, "begin3", 0.330000};
class EGLMMuzzle: M203Muzzle {
begin1 = {""\Vops_s_Guns\m203_s.wss", 0.100000, 0.900000, 100};
soundBegin = {"begin1", 1};
class SCAR_L_CQC_CCO_SD: SCAR_Base {
class SCAR_L_SD_Single: SCAR_L_Single {
begin1 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCAR_sd.wss", 1, 1, 80};
soundbegin = {"begin1", 1};
class SCAR_L_SD_FullAuto: SCAR_L_FullAuto {
begin1 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCAR_sd.wss", 1, 1, 80};
soundbegin = {"begin1", 1};
class SCAR_H_Base: SCAR_Base {
class SCAR_H_Single: SCAR_L_Single {
begin1 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCARH_s.wss", 1.778280, 1, 1000};
begin2 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCARH_s.wss", 1.778280, 1, 1000};
begin3 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCARH_s.wss", 1.778280, 1, 1000};
soundBegin = {"begin1", 0.330000, "begin2", 0.340000, "begin3", 0.330000};
class SCAR_H_FullAuto: SCAR_L_FullAuto {
begin1 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCARL_s.wss", 1.778280, 1, 1000};
begin2 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCARL_s.wss", 1.778280, 1, 1000};
begin3 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCARL_s.wss", 1.778280, 1, 1000};
soundBegin = {"begin1", 0.330000, "begin2", 0.340000, "begin3", 0.330000};
class SCAR_H_CQC_CCO: SCAR_H_Base {
class SCAR_H_SD_Single: SCAR_H_Single {
begin1 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCAR_sd2.wss", 1, 1, 110};
soundbegin = {"begin1", 1};
class SCAR_H_SD_FullAuto: SCAR_H_FullAuto {
begin1 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCAR_sd2.wss", 1, 1, 110};
soundbegin = {"begin1", 1};
class SCAR_H_LNG_Sniper_SD: SCAR_H_Base {
class SCAR_H_SD_Single: Mode_SemiAuto {
begin1 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCAR_sd2.wss", 1, 1, 110};
soundbegin = {"begin1", 1};
class SCAR_H_SD_FullAuto: Mode_FullAuto {
begin1 = {"\Vops_s_Guns\SCAR_sd2.wss", 1, 1, 110};
soundbegin = {"begin1", 1};
When I start the game it tells me "Some input after EndOfFile"
Thx, in advance.