OFPEC The Editing Center > Getting help with BI games

missing hunter units at ofp

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I have ofp goty patched up to 1.96.
I uses to download many new missions and campaigns.

Here the problem starts
i downloaded many campaigns(with all addon required) from a russian website.

After that i keep playing ofg,whenever i fight with resistance,i always see a blackop dress soldier with kozilice and binoculars.that time
I think it is a addon.

Today i decide to make a mission with resistance hunter,but when i see all resistance units,hunter was not there.

At last i find some mission of hunter.in all of them hunter have blackop dress.
But hunter is not there in resistance side units when i try to find it.

Use descriptive thread titles please. It's the custom here, because every problem here is "amazing" to the thread starter. ;)

Anyway, as a first step, make sure that your main addons and res/addons folders contain only official addons. OFranke's post here contains a list of all the addons that OFP 1.96 needs.

Move all of your fan-made addons to mod folders. Then, try loading them one by one to see which one is causing the problem.

If you're still getting problems with only default addons loaded, the only advice I can give is to re-install OFP.

i want to know that which addon is causing this problem? i spend many time in translating of russian to english and than download that addon,it will take very much time again to find problem causing addon,

So you're looking for someone who happens to know already which addon is at fault?

If I were you, I wouldn't have high hopes for finding someone. But once you organize your addons into modfolders, finding the faulty addon won't be too much trouble with a program like Kegetys OFP launcher.

Besides that you might have better luck if you provide a list of what addons you downloaded. Also try entering the names of these addons into Google to find if there are known problems with them.

there are lot of aadon i have,so listing them is not possible,but i know it is due to russian addon,
ok now i will try to copy all addon one by one after deleting them from addon folder.


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