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Author Topic: Ok just afew simple can answer cant answer ?'s  (Read 1117 times)

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Ok just afew simple can answer cant answer ?'s
« on: 10 Nov 2002, 09:17:39 »
 If anyone out there can help me I have commented config from BIS. I can decicpher some of it but I have only a few quick questions.

1. Can the defines at the begining be changed?values?

2. What does Public/Private mean for scope of weapon?

3. can the Primary=  be changed?

4. WeaponType= ?  MagazineType= ?

Any answers  please. I dont plan to make outrageous cheats eithier I just would like to know values and what they can be manipulated to.


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Re:Ok just afew simple can answer cant answer ?'s
« Reply #1 on: 12 Nov 2002, 08:13:18 »
ahmm,, well,, you could change it but I recomend you not to.. or sorry to make it concrete, do not change the defines section.  Because when you release those addons, it is going to bring a major bug into other peoples OFP.  The scopeweapon and scopemagazine, you could change it but do not alter any of the original weapons class config or else there will be a conflict between other people when playing it online.

ScopeWeapon is to define the use of the weapon after the soldier dies or drops the weapons.  scopeweapon=private means that the weapon is only meant to be used by that individual that originaly had it so, you can't pick that weapon up from a dead body or from the ground when you find it.  ScopeWeapon=public means everyone could pick up the weapon from the dead or from the ground.  Same goes to the scopemagazine.  It is the same thing but it is just for the magazine.   Got it? I hope you did.


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Re:Ok just afew simple can answer cant answer ?'s
« Reply #2 on: 13 Nov 2002, 01:16:39 »
 8) Yea thanks for the reply. I took a better look at commented config from BIS and got a better just of it. I was only wondering if the defines could be altered in order to carry more magazines, although you can get around it in the class defs.. I  am not totally new to the editing process. I was around before the first crash of the EDITING CENTER. The only thing I dont do well is modifying textures. Maybe oxygen will change that ;D.  Well anyway thanks for replying and the info.