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Author Topic: 3D MODELLING ???  (Read 3425 times)

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Offline S.T.O.S

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« on: 03 Mar 2005, 16:57:03 »

Hi im pretty new at this stuff. actually ive never made any 3d models so far..
So i was thinking of. Maby one of you guyes could help me a little on the way.
You see ive been thinking about making some Russian modern army regulars.
And Spetnaz Special operators.
Ive got all the info and pictures i need. But as i said before. I know
nothing about modelling. So if you could post any related links
and toturials. I would appriciate it.

Ps. Excuse bad spelling, as it is not my native language..

« Last Edit: 03 Mar 2005, 16:57:54 by S.T.O.S »


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« Reply #1 on: 04 Mar 2005, 18:43:32 »
Hey S.T.O.S.,

Before starting to learn to model for games (the so called "low-poly" modeling) you should probably decide what software to use first.  You can try using some free programs (such as O2, the modeling tool supplied by BIS - http://www.flashpoint1985.com/breathe/ - there are some tutorials too). Or you can go for something more pretentious, and probably more expensive. There's plenty to choose from. ..
Usually modeling tutorials are written for specific software packages, and there's plenty of them on the web.
Each program will treat it's polygons differently, and learning curves are quite different. I use Maya for modeling, and am perfectly happy with it. It takes longer to learn than Mikshape for instance. It's also expensive. But you can work faster, and it's more versatile.  However, i know people ready to swear that 3D Studio Max or Rhino are the best... :)

Offline S.T.O.S

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« Reply #2 on: 04 Mar 2005, 19:54:20 »
Thx for replying my call. sorry i havnt got time to write back..

I already have all kind of programs like..

- O2
- Maya 6.0
- 3dsmax 6

And im deffenetly best at maya. but i this case i need the easiest way of modelling.
and the easiest way to make it playable..

I got just about any programs relating to O2. and was actually doing okay with a toturial. untill it asked me to locate a CFG file in my codemaster browser.. Problem.. i dont have one..

I also have some PBO Tools.. decrypter and so one..

What else do i need..

also if you could recomend any toturials. i would appriciate it...    ;D  
« Last Edit: 04 Mar 2005, 19:55:14 by S.T.O.S »


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« Reply #3 on: 07 Mar 2005, 15:44:51 »
I don't know of any tutorial that would cover modeling/texturing soldiers in Maya and exporting to the game.  But here's a list of what you should know:

Modeling in Maya:
Don't know how familiar u are with the software, but you'll definitely need to cover the basics: navigating the 3d views, selecting and manipulating objects and exploring scene content & hierarchy. In Maya 6 you can go "Help" -> "Tutorials"  and read through the "Getting started" and the "Using Maya" -> "General" tuts.
Then u should familiarize yourself with polygonal modeling and texturing (file textures, UV mapping). You can find plenty of tutorials on the web on these subjects.
Also try to read the help sections on these topics.

Structure of an add-on for OFP:
A soldier addon is made up principally of the model itself (.p3d file), a bunch of textures (.pac or .paa files) and a config file (.cpp) - all of these packed into an archive (.pbo).
Maybe you noticed, all the data files in the game are .pbo archives. You need those pbo tools to extract/compress their content. Pbos are just containers.
.p3d files contain the model(s) and they are a bit more complex. They actually contain several models (LODs), with distinct functions. To familiarize yourself with the file format, i suggest u use O2 to open a few up and take a peek. Planck's advice in the other thread is quite good: download and open the sample models from the breathe page:
I can't find a web page describing all the LODs and their functions, but search the forum, surely you'll find something.
You'll also need to know about the "named selections" used to animate parts of your model, localize iinjuries, etc..
.p3ds come in 2 flavors MLOD(older) and ODOL. ODOL is not supported by every aplication (including O2). But there are tools that can convert ODOL to MLOD. Use them.
Even if modeling and texturing is done in Maya (for ease), eventually you'll have to export the geometry and bring it to O2 to assemble the final .p3d, since Maya can't read/write .p3ds directly. I use "Deep Exploration" to export to .3ds, which i can import into O2.
Textures are self explanatory. Just download "Texview" to be able to convert them to .pac.
And last but not least, the config, which is a text file describing/defining some of the properties of the addon in game. Making them is another science. It helps if you're a programmer  :)

There's a lot of work involved, and it's hard to jump in head first. You should probably take it one step at a time. Brsseb's tutorials are a good tip. You might also want to try modifying an existing addon rather than building one from scratch. Hope some of this helps..



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« Reply #4 on: 08 Mar 2005, 22:08:34 »
Try to find the BAS International Soldier Kit, and modify that.. I've done this a few times, it's easy, and has the PSD Photoshop files for all textures, all maped, you just have to rename files to get them to show on the model :)
- Ben


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« Reply #5 on: 09 Mar 2005, 02:39:21 »
xcelent info T-Cup.. simple and explains the thing very well.


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« Reply #6 on: 09 Mar 2005, 23:20:24 »
..I agree.
Just an idea, it's how I learned a few things (PHP for one), but get DePBO, ODOL exporer, and look at existing addons, how they're put togeter etc
I find that extremely usefull, others might not, it depends
I have to go
- Ben

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« Reply #7 on: 14 Apr 2010, 18:41:07 »
Very useful stuff... I am in the middle of trying ot figure out how to model , UV layout, and texture in Maya 2008, convert to a .3ds file with deep exploration, and then import into O2.

Has anyone else done this successfully? will doing it this way maintain my textures/uv layout ok?