You can use the doMove or Move commands. The Move command will make a group move and the doMove command will make an individual unit move, if the unit is the leader, the group will end up following him. The formats are like this:
unit doMove [x,y]
group Move [x,y]
where [x,y] is the x and y map possitions, unit is an individual unit and group is the name of a group.
If you want a unit or group to move to a reference object substitute [x,y] with getPos obj; where obj is the name of the object you want them to move toward.
You cannot destroy editor placed waypoints, but you can use group lockWP true or group lockWP false.
If a unit or group already has editor waypoints that you want them to ignor use the group LockWP true command before you issue the Move or DoMove command. If you want them to resume following existing waypoints then use group LockWP false.