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Author Topic: Fire fight  (Read 689 times)

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Siber Fox

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Fire fight
« on: 09 Nov 2002, 23:24:26 »
How does one make a good prolonged fire fight?

O Neil

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Re:Fire fight
« Reply #1 on: 10 Nov 2002, 04:22:16 »

Well it's very complicated. You have to put down some guys, and oppsite the, you have to put enemies.
Jokes man, you need to be more specific, do you mean in a mission, or cutscene?

If you mean in general, do what I say at the top.

O Neil ;)

PS: it's good to have background info on the mission eg, Why there is a battle.

Offline Black_Feather

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Re:Fire fight
« Reply #2 on: 10 Nov 2002, 07:34:51 »
All you can really do is set the skill level for the troops real low and put them a fair distance apart.

O Neil

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Re:Fire fight
« Reply #3 on: 10 Nov 2002, 08:10:35 »

What differs if you set the skill level ?

O Neil ;)

Siber Fox

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Re:Fire fight
« Reply #4 on: 10 Nov 2002, 08:40:26 »
oh, Ok. Yeah, sorry about the vaugeness... I ment in a mission. Thanks.

O Neil

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Re:Fire fight
« Reply #5 on: 10 Nov 2002, 09:54:31 »
This ain't my best mission, but try it. ;)

red devil

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Re:Fire fight
« Reply #6 on: 10 Nov 2002, 15:31:28 »
I dont know all the oficial commands so some1 else is gonna hve 2 help u with them  ::) but this should work. first put both sides in places that have lots of cover like 1 team in a village, in windows door frames near corners or even in church towers and the other side in a forest nearby (something like that anyway, not only does it look cool but they have less chance of gettin shot) oh and make them spred out so they dont all get killed in 1 go.
      Now we have the placement sorted we must do the command bit well u must anyway  :help: (I am to lazy to find them sos) put in each guys intel line the command that stops them from moving so the dont run away or advance and get shot. also in the intel line remove all granades so they dont thow um  :tomato:. Then put their skill to just under half on the slider. In each intel line put the doTarget "name of enime"; doFire "name of enime" (Just the 1s that the man could c in real life so not 1s out of view (u dont want ur men firing at walls). Then in each intel line (yes i no wat ur thinkin damn this is borin) put the commant that makes their hands shake (the effect u get when u are shot in the hand) and set it to max so they are all ovr the place. Give all of the men (good and bad) guns with a high rate of fire no m16s they are to acurate 4 what u want use mgs  :gunman:.
      Now 4 the scrips (again u will have to do it urself) make a script that every couple of secs heals every player and topes up their ammo this way they if they do get hit they can still stay alive and have plenty of ammo cos we all no how fast a mg chews through ammo

and tada there u have it giv it a go c ya  :cheers:
                                                                   red d

p.s if u want u should put some skrippted moments (may not require scripts) like u could put some men in the squat position facing the woods in front of allied jeep make it quite close to the town so it looks like they are pined down and create a few bad guys around that are only there to shoot at the jeep little things like this in a mission adds realism u get me?

Siber Fox

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Re:Fire fight
« Reply #7 on: 10 Nov 2002, 19:29:39 »
Ok. Thanks.