well, depending on the size of your group...either you individually assign them vehicles, or you just do this little trick:
"_x assignAsCargo truck1" forEach units your_grp; leader your_grp assignAsCargo truck2
which would assign everyone (inc leader) to the cargo space of truck1, but the line thereafter in turn assigned the leader to the cargo of truck 2...neat, eh?
Then just have them enter the trucks through:
(units your_grp) ordergetin TRUE
Just put all of them into one trigger's line, and you should be fine. If you want to assign anyone to drive the trucks/vehicles, you might try adding a line like:
(units your_grp select 1) assignAsDriver truck1
select 0 is most often the leader, y'see. Oh, and you assign groups by putting the line:
name_of_your_group=group this
into one of your group member's init field (suggest the leader...easier to keep track of).
Oh, and utterly by the way, other commands with AI groups are also makeable this way, just use commands like
commandMove or
doMove to have 'em move where ya want, although you often have to use doStops and whatnots to keep them pinned to the place
Download the UCR (unoffical command reference) for a full list of commands, it's a must-have! :thumbsup:
G'luck then.
Wolfrug out.