I am now trying to make First Strike a multiplayer mission.
And i am trying to add Who killed Who messages in the game.
Trigger : Anyone,Present
Radius = 500
{_x addeventhandler ["Killed",{_this exec "eh_killed.sqs"}] } foreach thislist
_man=_this select 0
_killer=_this select 1
;show who killed who
?_killer!=_man : message = "_killer sidechat format [""%1 killed %2"",name _killer,name _man]"
;show the following if the unit has killed by himself
?_killer==_man : message = "_killer sidechat format [""%1 was killed accidentally"",name _killer]"
publicvariable "message"
call message
I run the game in a single computer,two instances of ofp,one is the host and other the client.
The messages only show up in the host computer!
SO i tried the following and the result is the same!
Trigger : Anyone,Present
Radius = 500{_x addeventhandler ["Killed",{hint format ["%1 killed %2",name (_this select 1),name (_this select 0)}] } foreach thislist
Any idea on this ?
The main problem is how do i transmit messages to ALL computers including the server (IF its a host ,not dedi)
I found the use of a gamelogic , but it is impossible in ofp since i cannot use
setvehicleinit and processinitcommands in OFP