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Author Topic: "Pack Mortar - Ksatryia", AI mortar team overshooting  (Read 1938 times)

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Offline GoldGazelle

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Hi everyone,

I downloaded the mortar pack created by Ksatryia only to find that the AI can not hit moving targets vary well and even if the target isn't moving, mortar impact is about 20m or so behind the target.

I've dePBO'ed the addon and have tried fiddling with the Config.CPP file but I'm not quite sure what I'm even doing in there to be honest. I've tried adding things like...

Code: [Select]
ballisticsComputer = 1;


Code: [Select]
aiDispersionCoefY = -20;
but nothing seams to change .

If any one could offer up a suggestion, that would be great.

Thank you for your time and patience.


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Re: "Pack Mortar - Ksatryia", AI mortar team overshooting
« Reply #1 on: 26 Jun 2010, 10:13:55 »
What was wrong with the exact same thread (word to word) you posted earlier?
Posting the same thread multiple times is not something we like to have here..  :no:

Anyways, I'll "bite to the bump"  :D
Code: [Select]
ballisticsComputer = 1;Never ever even heard of this one..  ???

aiDispersionCoefY = -20;
aiDisperionsCoef is a multiplier for the dispersion value defined in the weapon/or ammo config (can't remember which it was in in OFP). Setting it to zero might have some effect, at least it makes the weapon accurate, as in there is very little dispersion.

The AI calculates it's aiming based on the projectiles muzzle velocity (initspeed, or what ever it was) so you probably can fix the issue by raising that value. You also may need to change the max distance of the projectile. :dunno:
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Offline RKurtzDmitriyev

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Re: "Pack Mortar - Ksatryia", AI mortar team overshooting
« Reply #2 on: 26 Jun 2010, 23:57:43 »
What was wrong with the exact same thread (word to word) you posted earlier?
Posting the same thread multiple times is not something we like to have here..

To be fair, I'm pretty sure that his earlier thread was originally posted in the OFP mission editing forum, and then moved into the addon beta testing & submission board, which was a rather odd place to stick it. So the "fail" isn't entirely on his part. :D
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Offline GoldGazelle

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Re: "Pack Mortar - Ksatryia", AI mortar team overshooting
« Reply #3 on: 27 Jun 2010, 00:10:19 »
Hello there H-

Thank you for your reply. My apologies for the double post. RKurtzDmitriyev is right, and I knew it was in the wrong place. So I sent a message to someone asking them if I could get my post moved to here, but I never heard back from them. Maybe I sent it to the wrong person and they didn't bother letting me know. Sorry again for braking the rules.

I'll try out what you suggested and let you know if it works.

Thanks for your time and patience.

Hi there again,

I tried what you suggested and upped the initspeed from 200 to 500 and added
Code: [Select]
dispersion=0.025; so that the AI didn't have super-duper accuracy which worked pretty good.

I did these changes to mortar1ammo and was using the "Mortar 81mm US" model to test out my tweaks. With that model when you use the sight the grenade reticule (circle with a dot in the center) is at the top of the screen when looking through the mortar's scope but the cross hairs are in the middle of the screen. Because I upped the initspeed, the trajectory of the mortar's projectile is much flatter and therefor lands about half a cm (on the screen) bellow the grenade reticule, not the cross hairs of the scope, causing me to aim at my target in the top center of my screen.

With that said, is there some way to edit the Config file (or the optics model) of the addon so that the cross hairs of the scope can be moved up towards the grenade reticule or the grenade reticule moved down towards the cross hairs so that the target can be aimed at in the middle of the screen?

Thanks for any help.


« Last Edit: 28 Jun 2010, 21:52:38 by GoldGazelle »