Hello I am trying to get this trigger to switch units from waypoint0 to waypoint1 but can't seem to get it working. I checked the marker names and unit init and all is ok that side. I would like it to be set of by blufor and then switch the group to move. Can anyone help ?
_unit = _this select 0;
_group = group _unit;
_waypoint0 = _group addwaypoint[getmarkerpos"East_WP_1",0];
_waypoint0 setwaypointtype"Hold";
_trg0 = createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getmarkerpos"trig1"];
_trg0 setTriggerArea[50, 50, 0, false];
_trg0 setTriggerActivation["WEST","PRESENT",false];
_trg0 setTriggerType "SWITCH";
_trg0 setTriggerStatements ["this", "", ""];
_trg0 synchronizeTrigger [_waypoint0,_waypoint1];
_trg0 setTriggerText "Call for support";
_waypoint1 = _group addwaypoint[getmarkerpos"East_WP1_2",0];
_waypoint1 setwaypointtype"Move";