I've encountered a problem with my brifings that I wasn't aware of. I've never encountered them before upgrading to 1.05, but I can't guarantee that they weren't in there to begin with. Well here it goes:
Everytime a unit dies and respawn the tasks and notes vanishes. They work perfectly upon mission start. My briefings are set up the following way:
1) briefing.sqf is started from init.sqf, using the execVM command
2) briefing.sqf then adds the diary entries to the entity player, but not until I've checked that
waitUntil { !isNull player }; waitUntil { player == player };
I'm beginning to suspect that I'm making some kind of noob mistake here. That probably means that there's a simple solution to my problem, that I've overlooked. Bear in mind that the briefing works perfectly in SP and at MP startup. It only vanishes after group respawn and teamswitch.