OFPEC The Editing Center > Getting help with BI games

Squad Picture Help


I tried setting this as my squad picture, but I'm having trouble setting the background transparent, since my Photoshop is being a wanker and doesn't want to save the transparent background as transparent, but white..  >:( Can anyone please re-save this image with a transparent background, or if you could do the extra step and save it as .paa? I could do that last part myself, just that my stupid Photoshop is sucking arse atm. Just want to punch my hard drive...  :dry:



btw, I know it's in jpg form, but Photobucket wont let me upload .TGA files..

What you do, is when you save the TGA file, close it in Photoshop, then open the TGA file, go to Channels, select the Alpha channel. Once that's done, select the white area that you want to be transparent, easily done with that logo through use of the Magic Wand tool, and color it in black. It will look red in the Alpha channel. Then, save it again, and convert it to .paa.

And, just in case you didn't understand any of that, heh, I've done it for you and attached it to this post in both .paa and .tga format. Hope that helps you out.

I tried using that .paa file for my squad logo, but it doesn't work. It doesn't show up in-game.  ???

Squad URL:



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