Hi Krieg, I don't know if you're going to finish this one since it sounds like you're already working on Red Grinder II. But it's actually a pretty good mission, I just played it. (Got killed at Figari!)
PackageNothing to complain about, except for the rather amusing typo "please repoty any bugs." Yes, I always like to urinate on any bugs I find at least twice.
OverviewLooks good.
BriefingNumerous typos, but I could make out what you were saying, except for one part. The Order of Battle says
"Alpha - 30 men, launched from USS Carolina, 5 boats (your squad)"
The way it's written, it sounds like all 30 men are under my command, and that's too big for a squad. Try "platoon." Also, I didn't see any radio chatter that would identify the player as a squad/platoon leader.
Or if you meant that your squad is part of those thirty, then make that clear.
Gear selection needs attention, as savedbygrace pointed out. In particular, you're missing pistols, and you have 2 G36s but only 3 mags for them.
Your map could use some markers showing exactly where the landing points are.
"Law squad" could do with a new name. Is it supposed to be a Light Anti-Tank Weapon squad? Then maybe call it LAW Squad and make this clear.
Since your men start inside of a vehicle, I can't see what their experience is by clicking "Group." I don't know if there's a way around this.
Missionsavedbygrace already pointed out most of the things I was going to tell you about. I didn't see any ships exploding, though. But I second the need for a savegame when you hit the beach, and perhaps one after clearing Morton or the camp as well.
I don't understand why you setpos the player to a location in the forest. It didn't save me any time because I wanted to go back to Morton for more ammo anyway. Also, the black ops go back toward Morton rather than toward the camp.
Then when I get control of them, I have to use "report status" to find them, as savedbygrace pointed out.
But the biggest issue is that the blackops start out with a few LAW Launchers and a Carl Gustav Launcher, but they don't have any rounds for them! Making AI loons pick up weapons is very tedious, so some AT rounds to start with are in order. I had to go back to Morton and supervise their rearming. Even then, one of them managed to die from
drowning--so much for "expert" AI.
After this rearming, while still in Morton, I heard what sounded like a small tank battle. Some enemy infantry also decided to move southwards. I met them around the forest and killed them all fairly easily with some patient crawling. Camp was also fairly easy to clear. The enemy didn't react in any organized fashion.
Savedbygrace noted that "at times, their men would simply pass me up and not fire." I'm not sure what he means. I didn't notice any enemies refusing to shoot at me, but they didn't act intelligently. They looked like they might be low-skill, and my men had silenced weapons making them hard to detect.
One factor that may be contributing to the "ignoring" issue is the fact that AI groups in vanilla OFP don't communicate with eachother. Each group has to detect the player on their own, or else they'll just sit there and watch their buddies die. That's why the infantry at the camp can get slaughtered while the T80s just sit there. "Guard" waypoints and "Guarded by east" triggers may be a fairly easy solution here.
Finally, having an addaction for replacing the Soviet flags with American ones, like in Red Grinder, would be a nice touch.
Overall, this was fun to play. In particular I liked the huge beach landing. Hope you can finish the mission sometime.