I was wondering if there's a way that I can set a trigger to go off after a certain count has been reached, and if there's some way I can make several triggers contribute toward increasing this count when each of them is triggered.
For example, I have an idea for a mission in which players form a small band of guerrillas with the objective of destroying a certain amount of enemy units, rather than what most missions have, which is the objective of destroying particular enemy units and structures. So I'd want one trigger which increases a "count" when an enemy unit is destroyed, and another trigger which registers an objective as having been complete once this counts reaches a certain level.
It'd be great if anyone could help out, thanks.
edit: also, I'm wondering how I can equip units with gear by a script, rather than having "removeallweapons" etc.. in the init field of each unit which I want to have a defined kit. Particularly, I'd like to equip large numbers of units with the same gear.