I thought I would give your mission a spin since you've been kind enough to test mine.
Overview:No complaints.
Intro:The soldiers with subtitles but no sound or expressions look a little silly, but hey, I understand. It's a lot of work. I didn't do custom sounds for my mission, either. Otherwise, pretty cool stuff.
BriefingLooks good. Comments:
--I noticed that you left off a lot of articles before nouns ("the," "a," "an"). Was this intentional?
--There's no "start here" marker. Of course, the T80 has its own map crosshairs thingy. However, a briefing link to a "start here" marker will make the starting position easier to scroll back to.
--Change "we assumed this mission will go easy" to "we assume this mission will go easy," unless the mission spoken of is already over.
--In the KGB report, you need paragraph breaks when the report begins to discuss a different objective. So, for example, there should be a break before "Recently, Americans have established a camp...."
--In the notes section, change "I give us chances of winning at one in four" to "I give
our chances of winning at one in four."
MissionPretty difficult! I haven't been able to seize Durras. (Playing on vets mode, of course). Those M46 guns will really mess you up. The infantry alone can wipe out all the T-72s at the outpost.
I was surprised that there were no waypoints for the player group. Maybe add some to help the player know where he is going?
Also, perhaps a retry position update is in order after outpost is cleared?Edit: Bah, it could go either way. My mission has no retry pos updates.
Two major bugs I noticed:
--Every time I died, I got a hint saying something like "Are you going AWOL, Comrade? Don't leave the field of battle!" I surmise that your trigger which fails the mission when you leave the AO is ticking off because player is not present. Perhaps you should modify the conditions to say something like "this && alive player".
--After seizing the outpost, I got a bug report bar at the top:
"Error sideChat: type array, expected string".
It looks like you accidentally put the message intended for sideChat inside of brackets.
All in all, it looks pretty cool. I'll try it again sometime.