I don't know how far you've got with your update. If you could incorporate the suggestions made by Denz and savedbygrace, that would be good. I tried the mission currently linked in the first post - please add version numbers from now, pretty please
In my own glass-half-empty way, I'll focus on what's wrong:
Lester's Invisible Targets - remove them from the intro and outro where they're not needed.
- they are wrongly scripted, so they don't actually DO anything during the mission. When you look at the map (in Cadet mode) you can see it just sitting near the helipad.
The correct way to call them in the mission editor would be:
] exec "targeting.sqs"
and then
_Target = _this select 0
_Target SetPos Getpos heli <--- because 'heli' is the name given to the player's chopper
Goto "SetPos"
Player PickupThis doesn't work because the chopper called when this script is started (in the player's init line) is
Heli1, and there is none by that name. There is
Heli1_1, which, if renamed, ought to work.
OtherThere is a trigger which depends on ... && not (alive myrp) - I think this ought to read ... && (({alive _x} count units mygrp) == 0)
end1.sqs - it has the somewhat confused message: "Mission Completed!, Mission Failed"
I think the min, avg and max scores in
description.ext ought to be doubled.
- - - UPDATE - - -Corrected syntax for the mygrp trigger.
Have tested with the revised script for Lester's Invisible Targets: now you get shot at by BMPs - in fact, I was once taken out by a missile from a BMP2, but that serves me right for moving slowly at the time. Normally it's just machine-gun fire which is survivable, though it slowly reduces the armour level.
Have tested the pickup script: it works - a chopper came and I got the message, but the stupid pilot insisted on strafing (incompetently) a BMP with his FFARs. I suggest replacing him with a UH-60 MG - hopefully he won't take it upon himself to engage enemy units then.