I am using the HWK_C130 addon in my HALO Raid mission and Saved By Grace noticed that the texturing from the top of the cockpit instrument console is missing. I am trying to get in touch with HWK to see if he can add the texturing or if I can have permission to add the texturing myself, but I am having trouble getting in touch with HWK. I mistakenly thought at first that Hawkins was HWK, but I have since realized that Hawkin's tag is HAW not HWK. HWK is not an OFPEC tag, and the contact link provided with the HWK_C130 is broken. If anyone can help me contact the maker of the HWK_C130 I would certainly appreciate it.
I Just realized I posted this in the wrong topic catagory, it should have been in OFP addons, not ARMA addons....Sorry about that.