I don't mind taking a look at that mission but can you put it somewhere else? That site tries to open a bunch of nasty popups and my browser totally blocks it.
Oh, also - it just occurred to me that doStop and forceSpeed don't affect vehicle turret rotation (turret only, not the actual vehicle). Maybe that is what some people are getting confused with...
The relevant parts of my SQF script go like this:
Script: BIN_initUnit.sqf v1.0
Author(s): Binesi
Unit Initialization and configuration.
_this select 0: (Object). Unit
_this select 1: (Array). Position
_this select 2: (Number). doStop unit (stop until new orders)
_this select 3: (Number). forceSpeed 0 unit (set fixed position)
_this select 4: (String). Inventory configuration
Boolean - success flag
init = [this,"AUTO",0,0] execVM "BIN\BIN_initUnit.sqf"
init = [this,"DOWN",1,1,"ins_sniper"] execVM "BIN\BIN_initUnit.sqf"
if (isNull (_this select 0)) exitWith {};
if (!local (_this select 0)) exitWith {};
// Define variables
_unit = _this select 0;
_pos = _this select 1;
_stop = _this select 2;
_force = _this select 3;
_items = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4};
// Install "killed" event handler
_unit addEventHandler ["killed",{_this call BIN_addToTrashQueue}];
// Set position
_unit setUnitPos _pos; // Set stance
if (_stop > 0) then { doStop _unit }; // Stop unit until it receives new orders
if (_force > 0) then { _unit forceSpeed 0 }; // Force speed to 0 (prevent movement except turning)
// Define equipment
switch (_items) do {
// Insurgents
case "ins_gl": // AK 74 GL
removeAllWeapons _unit;
{_unit addMagazine "30Rnd_545x39_AK"} forEach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];
{_unit addMagazine "1Rnd_HE_GP25"} forEach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
{_unit addMagazine "HandGrenade_East"} forEach [1,2];
_unit addWeapon "AK_74_GL";
_unit addWeapon "NVGoggles";
_unit addWeapon "Binocular";
_unit selectWeapon "AK_74_GL";
etc, etc.... (the rest is just more inventory loadouts)
So if I do something like this in the unit's init line:
init = [this,"DOWN",1,1,"ins_sniper"] execVM "BIN\BIN_initUnit.sqf"
That Insurgent Sniper will go prone and stay put while still being able to rotate.
If I do:
init = [this,"DOWN",1,0,"ins_sniper"] execVM "BIN\BIN_initUnit.sqf"
That sniper will stay put until it's squad leader gives it a new order.
Now I know this isn't the same as what you are trying to do but I just want to show you that the command does work this way anyway for any or all members of a group. If I get some time tomorrow I'll see if I can reproduce something similar to what you are doing with a waypoint activated script.