Compositions are really handy but not very well documented. You'll need a Createcomposition.sqf script to use them. Here's the one I've been using:
Original Script
objectMapper.sqf Author: Joris-Jan van 't Land
Edited by armatec
Takes an array of data about a dynamic object template and creates the objects.
_this select 0: compositions name - "fuelDepot_us"
_this select 1: Direction in degrees - Number
_this select 2: Location to start
["fuelDepot_us", 0, getpos player] execVM "Createcomposition.sqf";
_script = _this select 0;
_azi = _this select 1;
_pos = _this select 2;
_objs = [];
_objs = call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["\CA\modules\DynO\data\scripts\compositions\%1.sqf",_script]));
private ["_posX", "_posY"];
_posX = _pos select 0;
_posY = _pos select 1;
_newObjs = [];
private ["_multiplyMatrixFunc"];
_multiplyMatrixFunc =
private ["_array1", "_array2", "_result"];
_array1 = _this select 0;
_array2 = _this select 1;
_result =
(((_array1 select 0) select 0) * (_array2 select 0)) + (((_array1 select 0) select 1) * (_array2 select 1)),
(((_array1 select 1) select 0) * (_array2 select 0)) + (((_array1 select 1) select 1) * (_array2 select 1))
for "_i" from 0 to ((count _objs) - 1) do
private ["_obj", "_type", "_relPos", "_azimuth", "_fuel", "_damage", "_newObj"];
_obj = _objs select _i;
_type = _obj select 0;
_relPos = _obj select 1;
_azimuth = _obj select 2;
if ((count _obj) > 3) then {_fuel = _obj select 3;};
if ((count _obj) > 4) then {_damage = _obj select 4;};
private ["_rotMatrix", "_newRelPos", "_newPos"];
_rotMatrix =[[cos _azi, sin _azi],[-(sin _azi), cos _azi]];
_newRelPos = [_rotMatrix, _relPos] call _multiplyMatrixFunc;
private ["_z"];
if ((count _relPos) > 2) then {_z = _relPos select 2} else {_z = 0};
_newPos = [_posX + (_newRelPos select 0), _posY + (_newRelPos select 1), _z];
_newObj = _type createVehiclelocal _newPos;
_newObj setDir (_azi + _azimuth);
_newObj setPos _newPos;
if (!isNil "_fuel") then {_newObj setFuel _fuel};
if (!isNil "_damage") then {_newObj setDamage _damage};
_newObjs = _newObjs + [_newObj];
Hopefully the comment at the top explains its use. You can use markers with getMarkerPos to place them which is probably the least intrusive way. The only problem I've had with them is that vehicle locks aren't consistent and you can't change them easily so make sure the composition doesn't contain anything which is going to alter the mission too much if the player can use it.
I'm afraid I have no idea how to save custom compositions but I would be interested to hear how it's done.