Im abit new to scripts and scripting with ARMA/2 so bare with me.
I want to use the "mando_predicam.sqf" with my ARMA2 mission but carent seem to get it to work properly.Ive tried the "mando_predicam.sqf" demo mission in the ARMA mission editor, and it works fine.
So for my ARMA2 mission i did the same as i did for the ARMA version, i put the mando_predicam.sqf file in my ARMA2 mission folder,
and copied this code to my Mission int. file.
[soldier1, 60,190,30,300,2,true, true]execVM"mando_predicam.sqf";
_targets = [heli1, car1, car2, car3, soldier1];
while {true} do
Sleep 20;
mando_predicamunit = _x;
waitUntil {mando_predicamready >= 2};
} forEach _targets;
Which is what the ARMA version is, accept, i made these target_name changes, to suit my mission.
[heli1, 40,340,5,30,2,true, true]execVM"mando_predicam.sqf";
_targets = [heli1, heli2, heli3, heli4, soldier1];
while {true} do
Sleep 20;
mando_predicamunit = _x;
waitUntil {mando_predicamready >= 2};
} forEach _targets;
Thinking it would work, but it dosent.
Well it sort of works, it will only fix on the one target instead of rotating between targets like in the ARMA version.
Im also trying to work out how to execute a smooth camera movement from one point to another point around a selected target then perform the same camera movement on the next selected target, and so on, and so on eg._targets = [heli1, heli2, heli3, heli4, soldier1]
Can anyone help.