No, you should use a trigger instead of waypoints, in that trigger , make the condition as you desired...
In On Act you have to type them....
But using a SCRIPT is recommended [by me
] as they are a lot easier to handle.....
{_x joingrpnull} foreach [mgman,mgassist]
;this make the script wait for 2 seconds
mgassist domove getpos gamelogic1
@ unitready mgassist
;check if mgassist is in position,once units are stopped, they are considered ready...
;@ is the wait command, the script waits until the condition followed is executed/met
mgassist dotarget target1
mgassist setunitpos "down"
mgassist setcombatmode "red"
mgassist dofire target1
@! someammo mgassist
mgassist dotarget objnull
;someammo command is used to check if mgassist has a few ammos left....
;objnull is a place holder or something that can stop mgassist targeting target1