Alright, I'll make this quick, mission 7 of my upcoming campaign "Back To Sahrani" has you getting out of a chopper and getting into a truck, and the truck brings you to the dropoff point. That part is fine.
The problem comes when its time for the squad in back to dismount. When we get to the waypoint, the guys wont get out. The squad leader doesnt say a peep, and the truck just waits, not moving on to where it goes after the troops dismount, proofing that the waypoint isn't firing.
The truck driver is not in the same group as the squad. And I tried making the trucks waypoints "Unload", "Transport Unload", "Get Out", and even simply "Move", and I tried all of those synched up to the squads waypoint, and for them I tried everything from "Get Out" to "Unload" and etc, tried every combo. No results. I know alot fo those waypoints i mentioned have nothnig to do with what I'm trying to get doner, just thought I'd try it out heh.
Any ideas on whats wrong?