Hello together,
this is my first post here. I have toassed around the idea of making my own campaign for a while now and started Friday with designing and editing my first mission. Thanks to your ressources here I could solve a lot of problems, for exampl the "switch side issue". Sadly one of this problems I was unable to solve: I want an AI soldier to man an empty machine gun nest, the M2 machine gun, when he detects enemy forces (actually two soldiers and two different machine guns).
I tried everything I found here so far, but nothing worked. I used the init line of the soldier to assign him to the machine gun (which I named beach_gun_west): this assignAsGunner beach_gun_west
I tried also to write beach_guardian01 (which was the name I give the soldier unit) insterad of "this" and tried different versions of the "assignAs" command (assignAsDriver etc.). The trigger seems to work fine, at least all effects I connected with it are played (text message, sounds etc.). Into the on activation line I had written the following: [beach_guardian_01, beach_guardian02] allowGetIn true; [beach_guardian01, beach_guardian02] orderGetIn true
Since that did not work I tried waypoints (Get In-waypoint for example) also this meant I had to abstain from the trigger. Then I ungrouped the soldier, hoping that the group would be the cause of his inaction, but all to no avail. I do not get any error messages, those soldiers just will not move to the machine gun and enter it, although they fight the enemy. Then I tried the same with a newly put empty M113, but they did not like that vehicle also. All vehicles were unlocked. So please can somebody point me to my mistake and/or give me a hint what I can do to make this work. Otherwise I will have to put alerady manned mgs into the map but that would take some of the hectic relaistic feeling of the attack.
Kind regards,
PS: Please excuse my writing mistakes, I am not a native English speaker but try to give my best.