KTottE: We will get this posts. You know it ;D
Anyway, I may have asked stupid questions about it myself
so I better don't judge.
I think it's good that they release it. The majority will give up after 2 days of trying, and those who have the stamina to learn it will produce (hopefully) some fine addons which is a good thing.
I've seen the new 'rules' vor O2 made addons which will be enforced by OFPEC. Most of the stuff released by ModMakers so far doesn't even get near these rules.
What I don't like are the "We loose our Status/Privilege/whatever" kind of posts. I think there is no modmaker who would argue against a O2 release if BIS would have denied him O2.
We haven't seen so many edited p3d files after obj2p3d came out, and given that this was a piece of cake compared to making an addon from scratch in O2 I really don't see the "big wave of crappy addons" that some ppl predict.
Time will tell I guess
cheers KKB, who is looking forward to great addons made by so far unknown but extremely talented peeps