Mr.Peanut posted a script a while back in the arma boards which took the Farp script from Evo and made it work for a regular mission. Now, I might of butchered this a bit for my own purposes since I wasn't able to find his post again. Here it is...
_repairman = _this select 0;
_zone = _this select 1;
F_Repair =
_vec = (vehicle player);
_type = typeOf vehicle player;
if(getDammage _vec > 0 or fuel _vec < 0.98 and not (_vec isKindOf "Man")) then
_inrepairzone = (_vec in list _zone);
if(_inrepairzone and _vec != player and speed _vec > -2 and speed _vec < 2 and position _vec select 2 < 9.0 and (local _vec) and alive player) then
titleText ["Servicing", "PLAIN DOWN",0.3];
for [{_loop2=0}, {_loop2<1 && alive player}, {_loop2=_loop2}] do
sleep 0.2;
if (getDammage _vec > 0) then {_vec setDammage ((getDammage _vec)-0.0125);};
if (Fuel _vec < 1) then {_vec setFuel ((Fuel _vec)+0.0125);};
if (getDammage _vec == 0 and Fuel _vec == 1) then {_loop2=1;};
if(_vec != vehicle player or speed _vec < -2 or speed _vec > 2 or position _vec select 2 > 2.0) then {_loop2=1;titleText ["Do not move vehicle you shithead!", "PLAIN DOWN",0.3];};
if (alive player) then
_vec setVehicleAmmo 1;
_vec setVehicleAmmo 1;
for [{_loop=0}, {_loop<1}, {_loop=_loop}] do
[] call F_Repair;
sleep 2;