Yes , i have got the correct one,,,,but how do i call that from the game?
That might require some modification to the script,
at least, in my eyes.
All right
One Final Effort. (Because its so uplifting)
tourguide= _this select 0;
helipad1 = _this select 1;
hotel1 = _this select 2;
travellers = _this select 3;
_dist = tourguide distance helipad1;
while {(_dist < 25)&&(alive tourguide)} do
tourguide setbehaviour "safe";
tourguide setspeedmode "limited";
{_x domove getpos (hotel1 buildingpos random 256)} foreach units travellers;
_dist = tourguide distance helipad1;
sleep 15;
Can be called in one of the two following ways;
[tourguide, helipad1, hotel1, travellers] execvm "Housepatrol.sqf";
or if you want specific units in the group 'travellers' rather than a set group use this:
[tourguide, helipad1, hotel1, [traveller1, traveller2, ... travellerN]] execvm "Housepatrol.sqf";
Where traveller1 through travellerN are the names of individual.
So if Dan and Dave are the travellers then:
[tourguide, helipad1, hotel1, [Dan, Dave]] execvm "Housepatrol.sqf";
or if its Dan, Dave, & Phil then:
[tourguide, helipad1, hotel1, [Dan, Dave, Phil]] execvm "Housepatrol.sqf";
Hope this helps.