I have a problem.
Ive been trawling the boards and picking up info for a couple weeks now and messing around with the mission editor.......and im glad to say that most of my ......ahem...creations turn out and work the way a want.......more or less :-\
Anyway........was looking at the editors depo on editing music. Ive DL`ed and installed dB Poweramp and the ogg codec.
Now ive successfully converted my song from MP3 to .ogg format
It currently is 4.07mb's and called acdcblood.ogg
(converted to 128kbs .......44100hz as per instructions.........lol .......i hope
Anyway created a folder in my \user mission named testmusic and set a trigger 500X500 West present.
I followed Navy Seals egsample exactly.......ie:
Create an empty file in notepad and write this down and then im gonna explain what everything stands for, alright.
class CfgMusic
jade, blink
class jade
name = "jade";
sound[] = {\music\jade.ogg, db+0, 1.0};
class blink
name = "blink";
sound[] = {\music\blink.ogg, db+0, 1.0};
Anyway all i got from that was two listings at the bottom of Effects\ Music list under trigger "Jade" & "Blink".......wouldnt play my song
I was thinking (right or wrong) that the names "jade" and "blink" would have to be changed to "acdcblood" however that didnt work either
Anyway its knackerd......could sum1 plz put me straight?
Or put it in "english for idiots" so i can follow
Any help would be greatly appreciated
On final note.....i have a yellow folder called music, and a 2nd file (notepad) called description.ext (notepad file).........both are empty now and rdy fot possible future instructions.
Cheers all :-\ :'(