Simple isn't it? Ok now lets' see what we got here. First, the class CfgMusic. This defines a new class for all our music.
Brackets like this one -> { } r very important when writing and defining classes, if u missed one somewhere the whole
file is not gonna work. The syntax in OFP is very important so pay attention to it when creating files like this one or
scripts for example which we r not going to cover here. Also semicolon is very important here, don't forget it to put it
almost after each line except when defining a class like class CfgMusic or class CfgSounds, etc... Well in tracks u
simply define which tracks u have in ur Music folder. Now lets' take a close look at the first class jade, shall we...
class jade <- here we define the new class for the song we specified in the tracks
name = "jade"; <- this is the name that will be displayed in the trigger-effects-music drop down menu, but we'll
talk about this later. If u leave it blank then in the editor u'll see only an empty space.
sound[] = {\music\jade.ogg, db+0, 1.0}; this line tells the game which music is going to be used. Don't forget that
u have places ur music in the Music folder, that's why we write \music\jade.ogg, db+0 is the volume of the sound. If u
leave 0 then it will play at the volume u have specified in the game options and 1.0 is a pitch of the music.
}; <- and the closing brace with a semicolon showing that the definition of this class is finished
Now save this file as All files name it exactly description.ext. The common problem is sometimes people give it the same
name, but save it as text file, which then creates a lot of problems for them. And u know why? No?! Ooh come on that's
so simple, its because the file appears to be description.ext.txt which OFP will not read, that's all!!!
Well... looks like we have done the big and difficult part of the job, aren't we. Hehe, probably u r tired of reading all
that crap, sitting at ur home and saying, oh come on man I wonna hear some music playing!!! Well don't worry we r nearly
there. Now launch ur game and open ur mission editor(choose any island u want, I suggest desert island cos it loads at
no time). Now a simple test, to see if ur music is working. Place a unit- the player of course and put a trigger not far
away from him in the trigger choose activated by west and when present. Then u'll see a button in the lower left corner
called Effects. Press it and a new wndow will appear. Wow!!! Look at that we got so many different thing in here, but
all we care about now is music, so find the music drop down menu and got to the bottom until u find the name of ur song.
Choose it and click ok, u'll return to trigger window again, don't change anything there, just press ok and preview.
Now run in the direction of a trigger and...what looks like I hear something ain't I yeah it's the music file which
I have converted!!! Uuupii!!! I can hear it, I can hear it. Well we all did have our moments of joy when after trying
to do something difficult we finally succeed.
Well u can take a big brake, and we'll be right back with editing sounds now, stay tuned
Now I assume that u know how to create description.ext files and how to get the music in game. Now we gonna work with
sound files. Later on u will see that sounds as speech play where important role in the game. It creates a whole new
atmosphere and this gives a game a big plus, especially using speech during cutscenes.
So for this task I suggest u use the GoldWave as u can record ur voice through microphone and it saves really good to
wav. file. U'll probably ask me, why wav. file I can save directly to ogg. and don't bother myself with that crap. Well
u see why. To be able to use speech in the game u need not only ogg. files, but also lip. files which will make the mouth
of the unit move. So what u need is simple program wav2lip converter.
U can download this program here ->
Now here we go, open the GoldWave and create a new file. Then record something using ur mic and save it as wav. 16 bit
mono, signed. It will be set by default. Now locate the folder where u have saved ur wav file and copy it by using Ctrl+C
or better cut it with Ctrl+X and go to the folder where u have placed wav2lip program. Simply drop the wav. file into
the program and in few seconds it will create a lip file with the same name.
Don't suggest u putting this program on desktop cos it won't work. Trust me.
Now u can open the dBpowerAMP Music Converter and this file to ogg. or just use GoldWave and save this file with the
same name just in ogg. format.