Hey there, and welcome back to the wonderful world of editing
This is a real simple script to make, so I'll just write it up for you here. Save it as e.g. paradrop.sqf, and use [group, delay] execVM "paradrop.sqf" to execute it. This is in .sqf, rather than OFP-era .sqs, so there are some syntax differences, but don't be afraid
it all works the same.
_group = _this select 0;
_delay = _this select 1;
for "_i" from 0 to ((count units _group) - 1) do
_curJumper = (units _group) select _i;
_curJumper action ["eject", (vehicle _curJumper)];
sleep _delay;
// Script end
Delay is the delay in seconds between jumps, and the group is of course the name of the group doing the jumping. That's all you should need
Wolfrug out.