OFPEC The Editing Center > Getting help with BI games

Arma 1 and 2 for Linux petition - please sign it!


Hi there! I was referred to this site from the bistudio boards. I'm trying to gather enough support to convince Bohemian Interactive Studios to allow their games including ArmA 1 and 2 to be ported to the Linux system. I made an online petition about it. The petition is right here:


A board where questions about this petition can be asked was opened and it's here:


If enough ArmA games fans join and show their support, maybe Bohemian Interactive Studios will allow linux ports of ArmA 1 and 2. We can make this a reality!


don't use linux...

however.. ANYTHING that'll help get more people in the community...

i am all for.


Hmm, its a good idea but with the looks of their Linux dedicated server, they're going to need more and better staff!

You got the company name wrong: it's Bohemia Interactive Studio ;)


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