Alright, I'm making a mission in which the enemy ai have a heli come drop off some more troops when I'm detected in the trigger area. I want to have the ai group i've placed in the cargo of the heli insert via para drop when the heli hits a certain waypoint.
I'm trying to get the method I used in ArmA to work but it doesn't seem to work in A2.
I would just put:
[GrpE2,HeliE2] exec "para.sqs"
into the pilot wp I wanted the script to execute and the units I had in the cargo of the heli would jump at that time.
The unit leader of the jumping group had this in the init line:
grpE1 = group this; {_x moveincargo heliE1} foreach units grpE1; {_x assignascargo heliE1} foreach units grpE1;
I also placed this script in my main mission directory:
_Group = _this select 0
_Vehicle = _this select 1
_listunits = units _Group
_A = 0
_B = count _listunits
_listunits select _A action ["EJECT", _vehicle]
Unassignvehicle (_listunits select _A)
?_B >_A:goto "KEEPSENDING"
MoveNext = TRUE
Does anyone know of a better way to do, and one that works? Having the para drop for this mission is key.
EDIT:Well my apologies, this method does still work. I had something wrong with the wp setup. But I'm still interested in any other ideas or ways people use for para drops.