Thank you very much, this is lovely !
Well, your script is working but one tiny problem found.
I have moneycheck, that checks do player have money to take taxi. I have tried to put that "you cant afford this" diffrent places but it always shows that as hint, even if you can afford it. I think this script checks all #-marked, so umm... help ?
_cost = 25
_pos = getmarkerpos "apple"
_pos2 = getmarkerpos "sako2"
?(playeerimoney < _cost):goto "cantafford"
playeerimoney = playeerimoney - _cost
hint format ["I have %1 in my pocket.",playeerimoney]
playeeri removeaction taxitown1
playeeri moveincargo taxi1
taxi1 domove _pos
? (unitReady taxi1): goto "destination"
goto "journey1"
if (playeeri in taxi1) then {(driver taxi1) globalchat "We're here."} else {goto "journey2"}
if (playeeri in taxi1) then {(driver taxi1) globalchat "Get out, you bum."; unassignVehicle playeeri; playeeri action ["Eject", taxi1]}
taxi1 doMove _pos2
hint "You cannot afford this"