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Author Topic: what to do when config.bin spoils my day?  (Read 1408 times)

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what to do when config.bin spoils my day?
« on: 03 Nov 2002, 01:01:25 »

when trying to add weapons from certain addons to units via init field or briefing, I get a "weapon bla bla bla not found in config.bin/weapon.cfg" (or something similar). How does one prevent such dreadful mishaps? hope I'm not asking something that's mind numbingly obvious, or explained elsewhere (I've looked around but found nothing).

thanks for your time anyhow



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Re:what to do when config.bin spoils my day?
« Reply #1 on: 04 Nov 2002, 20:50:45 »
Given that you are using the correct syntax for the command (this addweapon "weaponName") then its probably because you're not using the right 'weapon Name' as given by the addon author in his config.cpp file.

If its official weapon addons see this site's Editing Depot for a list of weapon names and magazines.

If its 3rd party addons look in the readme to see if the author has given the weapon/magazine names there of else you'll have to DeBPO the addon and look in the config.cpp yourself using Nnotepad.

Hope this helps.


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Re:what to do when config.bin spoils my day?
« Reply #2 on: 05 Nov 2002, 23:32:16 »

no such luck, I made painstalking efforts to copy the names as found in the readmes.... well well, I guess I'll live through it