What do you want them for?
It is possible to knock individual trees over by using
setDammage 1.
1. Use an editor update (
Mikero's Editor 103 is probably best) - this allows you to place objects in the Mission Editor that are normally hidden by the game engine.
2. Place the player as a unit to view the action.
3. Now you can place all sorts of inanimate objects. They are under 'Side: Empty'. When using Mikero's, trees are listed under 'EU - Trees'.
4. Write the following in the initialization line of the tree:
this setPos [(getPos this select 0), (getPos this select 1), 1]; this setDammage 1
setPos ... getPos line raises the trunk of the tree 1 metre of the ground.
setDammage 1 line fells the tree.
Note: the tree falls in the direction it is heading in the Mission Editor. With an Azimuth of 0 it falls North, 90 is East.
Issues: because the tree has been destroyed, it is rendered insubstantial: it can be walked or shot through. I guess this could be got round by placing more trees and
setPosing them under the ground so only their tops show, or by mixing bushes / fences with it.